April is a big month astrologically speaking, with Mercury retrograde, a solar eclipse and the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus.
In this newsletter I have decided to focus on the April 9 Solar eclipse and the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on April 21 with brief mentions of Mercury retrograde and the full moon later in the month in Taurus.
April begins with all the major planets moving direct but stations retrograde on the 2nd
April 2: Mercury stations retrograde at 27 Aries
April 5: Venus to Aries
April 9: Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries
April 19: Sun to Taurus
April 21: Jupiter conjunct Uranus at close to 22 Taurus
April 25: Mercury stations direct at close to 16 Aries
April 24: Full Moon in Scorpio: Wesak
April 29: Venus to Taurus
May 1: Mars to Aries
Mercury stations retrograde on April 2. Here are a few dates for those of you who like to work with this energy.
March 25 to May 14I: n the retrograde loop
April 2 : Stations retrograde at close to 27 Aries
April 12 : Conjunct the Sun: Inferior conjunction: marks the beginning of the new cycle at around 22 degrees of Aries
April 25: Stations direct on around 16 Aries
May 16: leaves the retrograde loop.
As the new cycle begins in Aries, it intensifies the challenge to re-view and re-evaluate all things connected with this archetype, especially our need for freedom, independence and autonomy.
We may also be challenged to review:
the affairs of the house where the retrograde action takes place in your horoscope [16 to 27 Aries].
Any planets any points that fall between these degrees of cardinal signs, especially those close to the Inferior Conjunction degree of around 22 degrees of Aries.
The whole retrograde phase is a potent time for reflection and review … a time when we can become aware of habitual beliefs and thought patterns and make the adjustments necessary to align our thinking with the person we are now. This is a great time to meditate, reflect, research, seek answers, sort out your paperwork, return calls and generally attend to all the things you have been too busy to do earlier.
Remember, Mercury retrograde always provides us with the opportunity to free our thinking from habitual ruts and develop a more conscious set of mental attitudes and beliefs.
New Moon / Solar Eclipse at 19 Aries on April 9 The April New Moon is a total solar eclipse, visible across Mexico and the USA. It is the 2nd of three eclipses occurring in Aries: the final one occurs next March.
Solar Eclipses are essentially potent New Moons that mark endings and beginnings. They can herald a crisis, but they also provide us with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start again. Eclipses tend to be neutral energetically, but they often bring to the surface whatever has been buried, hidden and repressed, especially regards the sign and house where the eclipse falls in the personal horoscope.
This eclipse will highlight:
The house where 19 Aries is located in your personal horoscope.
Any planets or points within a 3 to 5 degree orb …between around 14 to 24 degrees of cardinal signs for an inner shift, perhaps 16 to 22 degrees of cardinal signs for an event. This will impact Libra and Aries placements strongly but also planets and points in Cancer and Capricorn.
Eclipses are markers in the Nodal Cycle and can therefore herald major turning points and sudden changes of direction. They sometimes act as catalysts for major changes that serve our soul’s growth, but we may feel changes are being forced on us as they can challenge our resilience and flexibility.
This eclipse is exactly conjunct Chiron and in a wider conjunction to Eris and Mercury and squares Ceres.
The conjunction with Chiron suggests that we may need to attend to the wounds we carry around the Aries archetype, being willing to see the bigger picture and to move beyond the limiting stories that we tell ourselves. about them We may feel called upon to:
Claim our Inner Warrior and find a healthy way to assert ourselves.
Become more authentic and self-accepting especially of things we feel limit and restrict us.
Break out, break free and become the person we are without limitations …to own our uniqueness even if it feels it places us apart from the mainstream.
This eclipse is also conjunct Eris, suggesting the potential for both outer and inner power struggles that may trigger our personal and collective shadows. It is a potent time for shadow work, and we may all need to be mindful not to get drawn into power struggles and the desire for revenge.
Eris highlights the possibility for issues to constellate in both our personal lives and the collective around:
The need to face inconvenient truths.
The need for difficult decisions.
The need for strong and inclusive leadership.
The need to face the banished and exiled parts of self as well as the need to hear the voices of those who have been banished and marginalized.
The danger here is for chaos to emerge along with:
Competition over scarce resources
Using underhand means to get ‘our share’.
Desire for revenge on those who we feel have excluded us from decision making.
About 70% of eclipse return to the same degree of the zodiac every 19 years – the Metonic return – and this eclipse was last experienced at this degree in April 2005. You may like to reflect back on what was happening at this time with the awareness that you have 19 more years of wisdom and consciousness to draw on.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus on April 21.
This conjunction occurs at close to 22 Taurus …21 Taurus 49 to be exact, and features in the eclipse chart. Jupiter conjuncts Uranus about every 14 years and marks the beginning of a new Jupiter Uranus cycle of innovation and change. It usually marks a significant shift in the collective psyche and will activate points in the chart around this degree.
Collectively it suggests possible shifts, changes and breakthroughs in the material realm of Taurus, with innovation and new technologies in the realm of Taurus. Taurus is associated with the earth/ environment, money/ economy, farming/food, conservation and sustainability: breakthroughs are possible in all these realms.
This time is potentially a wake-up call around climate change but can also shake up the business realm as both planets like to push the boundaries and take risks but as this is happening in Taurus there is a conservative and earthy flavour to these changes. Some writers have talked about the possibility of shocks as Jupiter amplifies the energy of Uranus, but we can certainly expect change.
This transit has been associated with extremist movements that tend to oppose those in power and can lead to chaotic situations. Uranus is Taurus is associated with the radical right and we are certainly seeing this play out in world affairs at the moment.
In the personal horoscope the house where this occurs as well as points around 22 degrees of fixed signs may feel this strongly while points around 22 degrees of earth signs may experience it more easily. It can suggest innovative shifts and breakthroughs, allowing us to experience a greater sense of freedom. It is a potent time to reflect on the affairs of the house where it occurs - and any planets it aspects - and be willing to make changes, perhaps take some risks and break free of past limitations.
The April 24 Full Moon falls at close to 4 Scorpio and marks Wesak Each year the Scorpio full moon marks the annual Festival of Buddha, known as WESAK. This lunation honours both the physical birth of the Buddha and his spiritual birth or enlightenment. Wesak invites us to refocus on our spiritual lives and look at what needs to be released or let go, so we can become more compassionate and awakened. The days either side of Wesak /the full moon are potent times for inner work, reflection, meditation and letting go.
The event is intensified as Pluto - at 2 degrees of Aquarius – the ruler of Scorpio, makes a close square to the full moon, suggesting that this may be a transformative event for those with planets around early degrees of fixed signs who are having Pluto activate them this year. This lunation may act as a catalyst for power struggles, self-examination and letting go or it may be forced on us in some way. Pluto always invites us to face our fears and whatever we have buried in our unconscious.