June begins with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde and Neptune joining them on the 22nd. Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time.
June 3: New Moon in Gemini
June 5: Mercury to Cancer
June 9: Venus to Gemini
June 17: Jupiter square Neptune
June 18: Saturn sextile Neptune
June 17: Full Moon in Sagittarius
June 22: Winter Solstice / Cancer Ingress
June 22: Neptune stations retrograde
June 27: Mercury to Leo
A few words about the Australian Election… As I mentioned in my May Newsletter … ‘Uranus is squaring the MC/IC axis in Australia’s Federation chart this year so there is something unpredictable or disruptive about the whole process. The transit is exact on April 27 and returns later in the year, becoming exact again on December 25 and January 28. This could play out in a number of ways: firstly as a change of government; secondly it could be interpreted as an unexpected event – a coalition win; thirdly it could suggest a result that is in some way destabilizing which could suggest neither party can form a majority on its own.’
It was the second option that played out, but there looks to be more instability ahead for Australia as Uranus repeats this aspect in December and again in January 2020. We will have to wait to see what Uranus has in store for us but it does look like a challenging time for the new Morrison government.
Neptune is making a big statement this month as it squares Jupiter on the 17th, stations retrograde on June 22 and aspects both the New Moon on June 3 and the Full Moon on June 17.
The traditional interpretation of retrograde planets suggests that they become weak, inhibited or repressed. Psychologically we can see this quite differently: the planet is no longer functioning in its usual mode and can offer us a new angle or perspective as it moves over one area of the zodiac three times. Retrograde motion always suggests a time for introspection, review and revision.
With Neptune stationing retrograde, this is an opportune time to dream, meditate and explore your inner worlds but can be tricky for getting things done in the ‘real world’. Don’t push too hard to make things happen and be prepared to wait before you make any major decisions to see if they are grounded in ‘reality’. Neptune can create a fog that makes it challenging to see what is really going on so there is plenty of potential for [self] deception, especially with Jupiter square to Neptune which can expand the fog and confusion, as well as the sensitivity and compassion.
Jupiter’s square to Neptune on June 17 is active all month and features prominently in the charts for both the New Moon and Full Moon. Jupiter can magnify any emotional state - both positive and negative - and can be impulsive and over-confident so we need to be careful to not over-commit our self. Jupiter square to Neptune can magnify our dreams and intuition but it can also magnify our illusions, delusions and escapist patterns. A warning: sometimes if something seems too good to be true under a Jupiter /Neptune hard aspect, it may well be, so exercise caution!
Neptune is also said to relate to Divine Love therefore Neptune transits always challenge us to view life from a heart centred perspective, with compassion for ourselves and others. Can you surrender to your heart and allow it to communicate with you during this time?
The Gemini New Moon on June 3 suggests a busy time when our curiosity may be stimulated. It can create a more sociable and extroverted atmosphere where we may feel inclined to explore something new or just break out of our routine. The Gemini New Moon also highlights our thinking and communicating and can illuminate outmoded patterns that are ripe for change.
With the Gemini New Moon square to Neptune and in a wide opposition to Jupiter, can you allow your feelings and dreams to offer you guidance while avoiding denial, self-delusion and wishful thinking? Take some time out to tune in and connect with your feelings, otherwise they may overwhelm you.
The Full Moon on 17 June falls at close to 26 degrees of Sagittarius, emphasizing the Gemini / Sagittarius polarity, and highlighting issues around communication, speaking our truth, sibling relationships, learning and understanding how our mind works. Each year, the Sagittarian Full Moon highlights our beliefs systems. The Sagittarian quest is the Search for Meaning, hence this full moon invites us to step back and see the bigger picture in our lives and expand our awareness and sense of what is possible for ourselves and humanity.
This full moon is also square to Neptune. Neptune can activate potential for confusion which may lead to activation of the victim archetype and any of the addictive patterns we fall into in order to soothe our anxiety. However this energy can also be highly creative if we can own our confusion and allow the fog to lift in its own time. Neptune always challenges us to surrender to feeling and not act until something ‘feels right’: in other words we are challenged to listen to our intuition. If you can allow yourself not to ‘know’ the answer immediately and re-frame anxiety as part of the creative process then the outcome may be more constructive and illuminating.
The Winter Solstice or Cancer Ingress of the Sun marks the time of the longest nights and shortest days when the Sun is reborn from the darkness. The times of sunrise and sunset appear to stand still for two weeks before and after the peak time of June 22, and then the hours of day light begins to slowly lengthen. The Winter Solstice therefore symbolizes the rebirth of the solar principle as well as the light and the divine spark within us all. It marks the beginning of a new solar cycle and is time for those of us who live in the Southern Hemisphere to create our New Year Resolutions and reflect on what we want to achieve.
The Solstice marks the moment of the Cancer Ingress, the moment when the Sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer and moves into the sign of Cancer. The four ingress charts [the solstices and equinoxes] mark the turning points in the seasonal cycle and the annual solar cycle. As such they are given added weight in astrology and are considered to influence the next quarter, or 3 months.
The most traditional way to celebrate the Solstice is to rise early on the day of June 22 to observe and honour the sunrise. Ideally you will find a place where you can observe the horizon, free of buildings and welcome the Sun as He appears. Allow yourself to be filled with wonder and gratitude for His rebirth. As the Sun gains strength and power, feel yourself being blessed with His light and vitality and invoke the blessing of the Divine Masculine for the year ahead.
A special Solstice meal is another wonderful way to honour this energy. This is the time for roast dinners and a roaring fire where a special Yule log was burned to honour the Sun and bring his warmth and radiance into the home. If you don’t have a fire then light gold candle to honour the Sun and invite his blessings into your life and home.
A more intimate ritual could also be called for… Create a sacred space with candles, incense, meditation and intention. Tune into your inner guidance to find the seeds of new potentials that are stirring within your inner darkness. When you are ready, record the seeds in red or gold ink [as long as they do not seek to influence or harm any other individual] and then burn them in your fire or from your candle. As the paper burns, see your seeds flowering and your potentials manifesting as the fays grow longer and the Sun grows stronger. Give thanks and light your candle whenever you need to refresh your visions and intentions. Blessed Be!