May sees the beginning of the first eclipse season for 2021 with the full moon being a lunar eclipse in Taurus as well as the middle of three Super Moons.
Contents 1. May Overview 2. 2021 Astrology Classes
May begins with only Pluto retrograde, but Saturn and Mercury station retrograde later in the month. Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time. • May 4: Mercury to Gemini • May 9: Venus to Gemini • May 12: New Moon in Taurus • May 14: Jupiter to Pisces • May 21: Sun to Gemini • May 23: Saturn stations retrograde. • May 26: Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius • May 30: Mercury stations retrograde.
The New Moon on May 12 falls at close to 21 Taurus, putting the spotlight on the archetype of Taurus, highlighting our values, security issues and our relationship with the physical, material, and financial realms. This is a powerful time to reflect on your values and what constitutes your security.
This lunation triggers the Uranus Saturn square, as did the Full Moon last month. This month Uranus is in a very wide conjunction with the Sun and Moon while both Saturn and Jupiter square this point. The wider orbs suggest a slight decrease in pressure, but the pressure is still very real. Black Moon Lilith is also conjunct the Sun and Moon, emphasizing the potential for the shadow to play out but also bringing us the blessing of the Great Goddess if we can make our fears conscious. This is a powerful time for a ritual to offer Her our fears and ask for their transformation.
Remember that the constructive outcome of this tension can lead to responsible change, but the shadow can lead to polarization into the shadow of each planet. This can lead to the Uranian/ libertarian desire for freedom at any cost which can also manifest as an urge to run away, while the Saturnian need for order can manifest in its shadow form as a desire to clamp down on any change due to fear, and potentially become the tyrant and the bully.
The May 26 Full Moon which falls at close to 5 degrees of Sagittarius is turbo charged as it is also a Total Lunar Eclipse and a Super Moon. As it occurs at 9.13pm AEST, the eclipse will be visible along the east coast of Australia wherever there is no cloud cover.
Super Moons are the name given to Full Moons that occur closest to the Earth, causing the Moon to appear bigger and brighter than usual. The term also applies to New Moons that are close to the earth, even though they are invisible. The scientific term for this phenomenon is "perigee moon,” which means the Moon is at its closest point to the Earth in its orbit. Interestingly, the term was actually invented by an American astrologer called Richard Noelle. Lunar eclipses tend to be more emotional and internal than solar eclipses. They stir up whatever is simmering in our subconscious and are potent times for insight and illumination …once we get past the uncomfortable feelings. Sometimes this may lead to the desire to act, but more often they are about working with polarized feeling states and seeing how we can find a more centered space where we can be this and that, not just this or that.
Each year, the Sagittarius Full Moon / Eclipse highlights our beliefs systems. We may realize that we have outgrown some beliefs and are ready to embrace a new paradigm. The strong Jupiter energy may lead to impulsive reactions, so while we need to stay open to new possibilities, we also need to temper or desire to act on them until they have been more fully evaluated.
Jupiter is square to both the Sun and Moon, forming the apex of a T-square pattern. This suggests the potential for more optimism and faith but also the danger of excess. This is a powerful time to re-align with our truth but be careful how you express it! Both Sagittarius and Jupiter can be impulsive, and their shadow can be self-righteous and arrogant. The Gemini Sagittarius polarity challenges us to see the big picture [Sagittarius] but have the facts and information to [Gemini] to back up our beliefs. The eclipse also highlights issues around communication, speaking our truth, sibling relationships, learning and understanding how our mind works, as does the Mercury retrograde cycle beginning on May 30 and the Solar Eclipse next month which falls at close to 20 Gemini.
Mercury Retrograde: May 30 to June 23. Mercury stations retrograde on May 30 at close to 25 degrees of Gemini - the sign of its rulership - and remains retrograde until June 23 when it turns direct at close to 16 degrees of Gemini. As the new cycle begins in Gemini, it intensifies the challenge to re-view and re-evaluate all things connected with this archetype, especially our thinking and communicating and perhaps our relationships with our siblings. PLUS, we may be challenged to review the affairs of the house where the retrograde action takes place in your horoscope [16 to 25 Gemini].
The New Mercury Cycle begins on June 11 at 20 Gemini, the same degrees as the Solar Eclipse that falls on June 10. Any planets /points conjunct or opposite this point, along with the house where 20 Gemini is found in your personal horoscope are being bought sharply into focus and may require attention. Please be aware that the retrograde phenomenon is activated from the time that Mercury enters the loop to the time that it leaves: around May 15 to July 7. The most chaotic times are when Mercury stations – the few days around May 30 and June 23 when Mercury adjusts to the change of direction.
Key dates / degrees • Exact dates: retrograde from May 30 to June 23 • Sensitive degrees 16 to 25 Gemini • Full time of influence: May 15 to July 7. • Time for insight: around June 11 when the new Mercury cycle begins at the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at close to 20 degrees of Gemini. • Time to act on new ideas / beliefs: June 23 to July 7.
The whole retrograde phase is a potent time for reflection and review … a time when we can become aware of habitual beliefs and thought patterns and make the adjustments necessary to align our thinking with the person we are now. This is a great time to meditate, reflect, research, seek answers, sort out your paperwork, return calls and generally attend to all the things you have been too busy to do earlier. Remember, Mercury retrograde always provides us with the opportunity to free our thinking from habitual ruts and develop a more conscious set of mental attitudes and beliefs.