This month’s two lunations are both powerful: the New Moon / Super Moon in Scorpio activates the Saturn square to Uranus and the Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse.
November begins with only Chiron, Uranus and Neptune still retrograde Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
November 1: Mars to Scorpio
November 5: New Moon in Scorpio
November 5: Venus to Capricorn
November 6: Mercury to Scorpio
November 19: Lunar Eclipse [Full Moon] in Taurus
November 22: Sun to Sagittarius
November 25: Mercury to Sagittarius
A few general comments before I focus on the two potent lunations for this month…
November is a month of more forward momentum as a number of planets stationed direct last month including Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto.
The November New Moon on November 5 is activating Saturn square to Uranus as it forms a t square with an exact opposition to Uranus and Saturn sitting at its apex. The New Moon sits opposite Australia’s progressed Sun and progressed Venus in Taurus which are also close to the degree of Scott Morrison’s Venus, putting Australia and its leader under pressure both at home and on the global stage to change our values and commit to Zero 2050. This has now happened but our pathway to change [Uranus] lack structure [Saturn] and some would say it lacks real commitment. Saturn’s square will keep the pressure on for us to accept responsibility and take action. I imagine Scott Morrison will feel the full weight of this configuration in Glasgow.
Next month I will talk more about the Saturn Uranus square as it perfects on December 24, but it is interesting to note that many of the world’s leaders as well as the business community, both here and overseas, have awakened to the urgent need for action, not just platitudes. The Saturn Uranus Cycle is said to be the basic engine of western industrial society and free enterprise [capitalism and state-owned capitalism]. It speaks of the practical application of science, technology, and invention. At this point in the cycle, we are at the waning square, often referred to as signaling a crisis in consciousness, where things need to change. It is time to reflect on the past, revise, reorient and ACT. Hopefully COP26 will see tangible progress in this area.
Back to a more personal level now…
The November 5 Scorpio New Moon falls at close to 13 degrees of Scorpio …and is very powerful on a number of levels:
It is a New Moon and a Super Moon. The term was actually invented by an American astrologer called Richard describe both the new moons and full moons that fall closest to the Earth each year. Super Moons often coincide with severe weather patterns and shifts in the Earth’s crust, but energetically the moon’s proximity to earth symbolizes a heightened energetic effect.
It is in an almost exact opposition to Uranus, marking the mid-point of the retrograde cycle of Uranus, when it is closest to the Earth …suggesting an amplification of Uranus archetype.
It is also in a wide square to Saturn, activating the challenges symbolized by the current Saturn square to Uranus which will perfect for the last time – on December 24 – although the two planets will come within an orb degree next year during September and October.
Uranus is also calling our attention to our need to be authentic, express our individuality and find our own unique way of being, but without over-riding the rights of others. The challenge is to not fall prey to His shadow energy which can be overstimulating to the point of mania; the Uranian urge for change can also become rebellious and contrary, activating the saboteur archetype. If you feel more wired than usual, see if you can accept the challenge to find a constructive outlet for the energy rather than acting in a way that is reactive and impulsive.
The square with Saturn symbolizes conflict between individual rights [Uranus] and collective responsibility [Saturn]. It could also be characterized in its two shadow archetypes as the libertarian versus the authoritarian. Beware of falling into either extreme. This is [another] powerful time for shadow work regards our actions and any tendency to blame and project. More on this next month
On a more fundamental level, the Scorpio New Moon will highlight the affairs of the house where 13 degrees of Scorpio falls. This Scorpio New Moon may challenge us with issues around trust and control. If we can become more conscious of our patterns here, we may experience deeper intimacy with ourselves and others.
Scorpio’s reputation for control is a fear-based reaction of ‘holding on’ while the challenge is to ‘let go’ control and learn to trust in the Self and allow the free flowing of feeling. This is a powerful time for deep sharing and strengthening of intimate connections of all kinds.
The Full Moon / Partial Eclipse in Taurus falls on November 19 at close to 27 Taurus, and is opposite the Sun with both luminaries square to Jupiter at 24 Aquarius. As the eclipse peaks around 7.57pm AEDT, the latter part of it may be visible if the sky is clear. Look to the west around sunset all along the eastern coast to observe the latter part of this phenomenon. Sunset falls at 8.14pm in Melbourne, 7.40pm in Sydney and 6.20pm in Brisbane [no daylight savings for our Queensland siblings].
This eclipse is the first of the final pair for 2021: the New Moon on December 4 is a total solar eclipse which falls at close to 12 degrees Sagittarius. These lunations fall at the same degrees as the eclipses 19 years ago [Metonic Cycle]… November and December 2002. It is always interesting to reflect back to that time [if you have an excellent memory] as eclipses mark both endings and beginnings, but always factor in the fact you now have 19 years more wisdom and consciousness.
Lunar eclipses tend to be more emotional and internal than solar eclipses. They stir up whatever is simmering in our subconscious and are potent times for insight and illumination …once we get past the uncomfortable feelings. Sometimes this may lead to the desire to act, but more often they are about working with polarized feeling states and seeing how we can find a more centred space where we can be this and that, not just this or that.
Jupiter is square to both the Sun and Moon, forming the apex of a T-square pattern. This suggests the potential for more optimism and faith but also the danger of excess. This is a powerful time to re-align with our truth but be careful how you express it! Jupiter can be impulsive, and its shadow can be self-righteous and arrogant.
The full moon in Taurus puts the spotlight on the Taurean part of all of us, highlighting values, security and our relationship with the physical, material and financial realms. We may be challenged to focus on what is of real importance to us at this point in time – and reflect on our relationship with the physical and materials realms that Taurus rules: money, possessions, material security.
The opposition with the Sun in Scorpio highlights the Scorpio Taurus polarity: our urge to build, create and hold on as opposed to the urge to control, let go and transform. It may be time where we need to re-evaluate our need to share and experience greater intimacy [Scorpio] versus out need to set clear boundaries that protect our possessions and the things that we value [Taurus]. Only honest self-reflection will reveal if and where we have lost the balance here.
2022 Astrology Classes Beginners through to Advanced Classes ...please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enroll for a video content only [correspondence].
First Year/ Beginners’ 7pmTuesday evening in 2022 …focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope: elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate 7pm Thursday evenings in 2022 …focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group Second Saturday afternoon each month. The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Consultations are now on Zoom and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Other readings available include:
In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges. Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.