Mars stations retrograde in Aries this month, highlighting the ongoing conflicts and dramas that are all part of Covid-19. Last month I attempted to simplify the conflict symbolized by the intensifying squares between two groups of planets - one in Aries and the other in Capricorn – and I titled this Rights Versus Responsibilities. If you missed this or would like to re-read the article you can find it on my website at
September begins with Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all still retrograde with Mars joining them when He stations retrograde on September 10. Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time.
September 2: Full Moon in Pisces
September 6: Mercury to Libra
September 6: Venus to Leo
September 10: Mars stations retrograde
September 13: Jupiter stations direct
September 17: New Moon in Virgo
September 22: Sun to Libra heralds the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere
September 29: Saturn stations direct
Every 25-6 months when Mars moves retrograde, He is at His closest to the Earth, a similar phenomenon to a super moon. The peak of brightness will be in the middle of the retrograde cycle, around October 14 at the time of the exact opposition with the Sun. If you would like to see Mars while He is at His brightest, look to the east late at night or the west before dawn to see the red planet as Mars is currently rising close to 10pm and setting at around 9.30am, Melbourne time.
You may remember from last month that Mars’ energy is intensified over the last half of 2020 several ways:
Through transiting its own sign of Aries.
Through spending 3 - 4 times longer in the sign than usual as it undergoes its retrograde cycle in its own sign.
Through joining 3 other significant planets/points there [Chiron, Black Moon Lilith and Eris], bringing a strong emphasis to the sign. Worth noting, is that this is a group of renegades and outsiders who don’t play by the rules.
Through forming challenging aspects to the stellium of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.
Last month I talked about the Aries Capricorn conflict and mentioned how Mars is a key part of this phenomenon as the leader of the Aries ‘pack’. This month I will focus on the Mars retrograde cycle and next month I will examine some of the trigger points that Mars will activate during its retrograde cycle.
Mars Stations Retrograde on September 10: 15 to 28 degrees of Aries Mars is certainly not feel comfortable retrograde in His own sign as it symbolizes a containment of the action principle, necessary to initiate the process of review and reflection that are integral components of any retrograde cycle. Pure Mars energy needs freedom to act and react and likes to be left alone to do its own thing without anyone looking over its shoulder keeping tabs. At its best it is the pioneer, the adventurer, and a true free spirit but at its worst it can be belligerent and hostile to anyone trying to tell it what to do. Unfortunately, the global situation with covid-19 is frustrating all our Aries tendencies and creating the potential for conflict and aggression at all levels as we face restrictions to our freedom.
As Mars appears to move retrograde when He is at His closest to Earth, this proximity can release repressed anger [even when it is not in Aries], especially at the exact opposition to the Sun which this cycle is October 14. Please take note of this date and try to avoid emotional reactions that can lead to arguments. There are several other significant trigger points that I will explore next month as Mars forms challenging aspects to Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Eris and Black Moon Lilith.
Unfortunately, we may see more conflict [Mars in Aries]:
Between nations
Within nations
Between groups in society [political, religious, ethnic etc]
Between individuals
…and most importantly [from my perspective] within individuals, as we all struggle to make sense of everything that is going on. Beware that if we repress our anger we may fall into depression, so try to find ways to stay connected to your feelings. Our feelings are always a guidance system from our soul, so any anger /depression needs attention and space to communicate its deeper roots to our conscious self.
Here are the key dates and degrees for the 2020 Mars retrograde cycle:
Mars entered Aries on June 28
Mars entered the retrograde loop on July 28 at 15 Aries
Mars stations retrograde on September 10 at 28 Aries
Mars opposite the Sun on October 14
Mars direct at 15 Aries on November 14
Mars leaves the retrograde loop when it reaches 28 Aries for the last time on January 3 2021
Note that the area of your chart [house] where 15 to 28 Aries is located may be where you will personally experience tension. Any planets located in the last half of cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn – will receive three exact challenging ‘hits’ from Mars, instead of the usual one hit.
Mars retrograde in Aries is challenging us all with how we use the Aries energy. It may be a time of low energy where we lose interest in what we have been doing and find that what gave us energy and ‘turned us on’ no longer works and we feel confused and lacking in direction. Plans and projects may slow down and face obstacles, postponements and cancellations [by us or others] There is always a danger of acting out, or acting impulsively when Mars is retrograde, especially as this frustration will be amplified as it takes place in the sign of Aries. My suggestion is to keep your finger near your pause button and try to think before you act, react and commit yourself.
Used productively this is a time to
slow down and back off
rethink strategies [especially if there are obstacles]
reflect on WHAT you are doing
reflect on WHY you are doing it
reflect on HOW you are doing it
…and reflect of whether there is a MORE EFFECTIVE way of doing it!
In short it is an INVITATION TO BECOME CONSCIOUS of how you are using your energy as well as your assertive & aggressive impulses in a specific area of your life and to decide if you want to continue this pattern. The possibility exists for CHANGE and the BREAKING OF HABITUAL PATTERNS OF ACTION AND REACTION.
Mars is the Roman God of War and in astrology he symbolizes the action principle and our inner warrior. Normally Mars moves fairly fast through each sign of the zodiac [around 6 weeks per sign], but when he prepares to move retrograde his movement slows and he spends several months in one sign. This can sometimes lead to a time of frustration and delays as we are asked to review our actions, goals and way of operating.
Whenever a planet goes retrograde [appears to move backward from our vantage point on Mother Earth] we have an opportunity to develop a new perspective on how we relate to its energy. A doorway opens and we can become develop a more objective viewpoint. It suggests a time of reflection is necessary, especially about how we deal with the affairs of the house where Mars is retrograding.
Hence, whenever Mars goes retrograde we have the opportunity to become conscious of habitual actions, reactions and responses. We are challenged to reflect on how we go about getting what we want and how we
Utilize our inner warrior
Express or repress our aggressive and competitive urges
Deal with anger and assertion
… especially in the house where Mars is retrograding in our personal birth-chart and in relation to any planets it may aspect at this time.
Remember, this is an opportunity to become conscious of our patterns in these areas and TO CONSCIOUSLY ACT DIFFERENTLY. The time from September 10 can be a time when things slow down causing us to experience frustration and self-doubt. October 14 is the trigger point in this cycle when tensions can explode as repressed feelings surface, although there are many other trigger points as Mars squares, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto three times each during the retrograde cycle [see above for those dates].
Here we have a choice to
Blame others, hold onto our anger and resist self-reflection
Look within to see what our Higher Self is trying to bring to awareness and gain clarity, perspective and objectivity that can lead to lasting change.
The September Lunations Now, a very quick look at the two lunations for September. Both lunations have a strong Neptune influence.
The Full Moon in September falls on September 2 AEST at close to 10 degrees of Pisces and forms a very wide conjunction with Neptune. The Pisces Virgo polarity highlights the need for balance between the physical realm of Virgo and the emotional intuitive realm of Pisces: we are challenged to balance the practical, grounded, everyday reality of Virgo with the feeling, intuitive, imaginal and spiritual realm of Pisces. The Moon in Pisces calls us to open our hearts and see the big picture while, the Sun in Virgo challenges us to stay grounded and attend to the details. We could see this as both a call to ground our dreams in the world of form as well as to soften our perfectionist and self-critical sides.
The New Moon in Virgo falls on September 17 at exactly 25 degrees of Virgo and is opposite Neptune at close to 19 Pisces. This New Moon each year is a great time to honor Virgo and start a self-improvement plan, whether that is a diet, a detox or get fit program… anything that looks at sorting out our bad habits. It could also be an opportune time to attend to your book-work and clear any clutter. The strong Virgo energy invites us to engage in spring cleaning on all levels - physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual - and get ourselves organized. The functional expression of Virgo is all about service, attention to detail, efficiency, and self-improvement.
This New Moon can highlight the shadow side of Virgo which can play out as a tendency to self-criticism and worry that can heighten anxiety and the perfectionist patterns that can paralyze us. Remember that the New Moon is neutral and highlights our patterns for good or ill so we can see them more clearly and decide how we can best respond.
Neptune opposing the New Moon can heighten sensitivity [on all levels] that can be wonderful for our spiritual practice, inner work and creativity, but much more challenging for getting things done in the ‘real’ world. The potential for self-delusion and denial is here, as well as the potential for strong intuitive insights. Neptune always calls us to open our hearts and open to the realm of feelings, images, symbols and imagination. Can you allow your feelings and dreams to offer you guidance while avoiding denial, self-delusion and wishful thinking?
Try to take some time out to tune in and to connect with your feelings, otherwise they may overwhelm you … and don’t let the Virgo need for ‘busy-ness’ stop you from taking some needed time out … AND REMEMBER TO BE GENTLE [AND NON-JUDGEMENTAL] WITH BOTH YOURSELF AND OTHERS!
The Spring Equinox
September 22 marks the Libra Ingress, better known as the Spring Equinox [in the southern hemisphere]. At 11.30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time the Sun will move into the sign of Libra and be exactly overhead at the equator.
The Equinox marks the time when day and night are of equal length and it is the turning point that marks the time when the daylight begins to prevail over the darkness [reverse if you live north of the equator]. From this point forward the days will grow longer as the Sun gains power and strength. It is time to let go the darkness of winter and embrace the fertility of spring.
The Equinox chart has Chiron opposite the Sun, reminding us that there is another perspective that requires consideration as at the soul level Chiron is always challenging us to reconcile opposites and accept our differences rather than suffer the pain of internal or external alienation.
Last month I wrote: At the collective level Chiron invites us to keep open channels of communication between those who identify as libertarians versus those who identify as responsible, not to get stuck in polarized positions, not see each as the enemy ... and to embrace the polarities internally as well as externally and allow them [constructive] outlets
…how can we all validate both our pain and suffering and the pain of suffering of others, even though they may appear to embrace polarized positions. … how can we be responsible and still experience some sense of freedom and autonomy? …how can we harness the dynamic pioneering spirit of Aries to find new solutions our current dilemma and create new structures [Capricorn].
Esoteric writers suggest that the Equinox is a magical time when the magnetic field of the Earth is influenced by the Sun’s position directly overhead the equator. A doorway or portal opens to other realms due to a reduction in the Earth’s magnetic field. This is a powerful time for ritual and meditation that can offer us wisdom, inspiration and guidance. The equinox portal is open for about 24 hours either side the exact moment.
2020 Astrology All classes have shifted online for the time being. They are still held weekly in my Zoom Room. Please contact Christine for more information
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. These classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
Classes can be taken on a term by term basis and sound files are provided for any classes you miss.
First Year/ Beginners’ …on Monday evenings
Second Year / Intermediate …on Thursday evenings
Advanced Group Second Saturday afternoon each month. The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the time to develop your delineation skill.
Consultations & Gift Certificates Are now available via Skype or Zoom …and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email. Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced in order to realize this potential.
Other readings available include: In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials and challenges.
Relationship Analysis: Helps explain the dynamic between two people to facilitate their understanding of each other and their relationship.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of