This is a shorter newsletter than usual as I am taking a break.
I have chosen to focus on the retrograde phase of Venus as She entered the retrograde loop on June 20 in preparation for retrograde phase which begins on July 23.
I believe the Venus retrograde cycle always provides us with a wonderful opportunity to realign with our heart.
July begins with Saturn, Neptune and Pluto retrograde and Venus & Chiron both stationing retrograde on the 23rd Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Standard Time.
July 3: Full Moon in Capricorn
July 10: Mars to Virgo
July 11: Mercury to Leo
July 17: the nodal axis retrogrades into the Aries Libra polarity
July 18: New Moon in Cancer
July 23: Sun to Leo
July 23: Chiron stations retrograde
July 23: Venus stations retrograde
July 29: Mercury to Virgo
Venus entered the retrograde loop on June 20 and will begin Her retrograde phase just over a month later, on July 23 when She reaches 28 Leo. She will conjunct the Sun on August 13 – in the middle of Her retrograde phase – heralding the beginning of a new Synodic Cycle of Venus.
Venus is known in popular astrology as the Goddess of Love and Beauty, but She has a much deeper significance as an indicator of our VALUES. Her retrograde cycle always asks us to re-evaluate our lives and reflect on what is of value to us, especially the area where She is retrograding in the personal horoscope.
During this retrograde phase Venus will retrograde back to close to 12 Leo, challenging planets and personal points located between 12 to 28 degrees of fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus & Scorpio. Those of you who have planets around these degrees may find that as Venus makes Her first pass over these points issues come into focus that may lead to some dissatisfaction as She starts to prepare for Her new cycle.
When Venus stations retrograde, She is conjunct both the Black Moon Lilith and Mercury as well as square to Uranus. At the Inferior conjunction on August 13 most of these aspects will still be in effect. I will save a more in-depth discussion of the challenges they suggest for the August Newsletter, but a quick mention of Uranus seems important.
With Uranus square to Venus at both the station retrograde and Inferior conjunction we are being challenged to make changes and be more authentic in the expression of our values and in our personal relationships. Uranus usually suggests the need for change but beware of the Uranian shadow: over-reacting and running away. Stay with uncomfortable feelings if they emerge and be prepared to listen to your heart.
Key dates in the retrograde cycle
Venus retrograde: July 23 to September 4
Sensitive degrees: around 12 to 28 degrees of Leo
Full time in the retrograde loop: June 20 to October 7
The new Venus Cycle begins on August 13 at close to 20 Leo
Venus disappears as the Evening Sky around August 7 and reappears as the Morning Star around August 20
Time to think with our heart... My belief is that Venus is always inviting us to listen to the whisperings of our heart, especially regards the affairs of:
The house[s] where 12 to 28 Leo is found
Any planets or points that will be activated during the retrograde cycle, particularly those that fall between 12 and 28 degrees of the fixed signs: Leo & Aquarius and Taurus & Scorpio
This is beautifully demonstrated through the heart motif that I reprint every Venus retrograde, because I feel it is so often overlooked in the discussion of this phenomenon. It is significant that Venus makes Her closest approach to our Mother Earth during Her retrograde phase, inviting us to become more conscious of our values and think with our hearts as well as our heads. We could say that the Divine Feminine / Great Goddess is challenging us all to consciously re-examine our values, and the relationships and all we hold dear from a feminine or soul centred perspective.
The new cycle, which begins in the middle of the retrograde phase on August 13 - at close to 20 Leo - with the conjunction of Venus conjunct the Sun, symbolizes a union of the masculine [Sun] and feminine [Venus] principles that live within each of us. This is a calling to align our values [Venus and the heart] with our core self [Sun, identity, purpose and ego].
This message is symbolized through the image below, which charts just over one synodic cycle of Venus. The loop represents the retrograde phase. Venus is quite unique in the beauty of Her cycles.
Every 8 years Venus stations retrograde 2 degrees earlier and 2 days earlier as She traces a pentacle in the sky. Venus may pick of threads that relate back to this time, especially if we have key planets and points here, calling us to undertake a deep re-evaluation of this area of our life every 8 years. Can you link this time with August / September 2015, 2007, 1999, 1991 etcetera.
Venus retrograde in Leo may bring up Issues around self-expression, creativity, leadership, appreciation and performance. Here are some questions for reflection:
Do I feel I can really express myself and be heard?
Arm I being appreciated /acknowledged?
Am I enjoying my life?
Am I having fun? Do I get time to play? Socialize?
If the shadow is activated it may suggest that we need to take some time out to reflect on the above questions. Here are some ways the Leo shadow may manifest:
Firing up more than usual?
Feeling defensive, irritable?
Getting more bossy / autocratic / demanding? Why?
Being a bit of a drama queen?
General Info on Venus Retrograde Reprinted for each Venus Retrograde Cycle to refresh your memory of the process, to skim …or maybe to skip.
The 584 day cycle of Venus charts our likes and dislikes, our attractions and repulsions and most importantly – OUR VALUES. Venus goes retrograde [appears to move backwards] once every 19 months for about 40 days. At the beginning of this period Venus is the Evening Star, visible in the western sky for a few hours after sunset. She then slowly dips lower in the sky and disappears into the blaze of the Sun to reappear as the Morning Star. A new Venus cycle will begin on August 13 when Venus conjuncts the Sun. Whenever a planet goes retrograde it offers us a new perspective. A doorway opens and we have the opportunity to develop a more objective viewpoint. It suggests a time of reflection on the past, and a need to refocus. The house position where this retrograde motion is occurring suggests the area of your life that will need to be reviewed.
Venus is at her closest to Earth at this point, calling us to reflect on whether who and what we find closest to us is a true reflection of our values. We are challenged to develop more objectivity and consciousness about all things Venus rules including our
personal values
likes and dislikes
and self-worth.
Sometimes we realize the need to develop a new set of values and attitudes based on current personal beliefs and let go outdated values based on habits and attitudes that come from the collective and our conditioning. This may crystallize around the beginning of the new cycle on August 13 when Venus is at Her closest to Mother Earth and conjunct the Sun.
On a deeper level the retrograde phase and the conjunction with the Sun are calling us all to not only become more objective about and conscious of our tastes, likes, etc., but to also separate from our biological drives and conditioning and become conscious of the values on which we have based our identity [Sun]. This process may relate specifically to the house where Venus is retrograding and the affairs of any planets that Venus will aspect in the natal chart during this time, especially by conjunction.
Traditional astrology says that this is not the time to make a major purchase or begin a new relationship as it may be an over- reaction to old patterns. Personally, I have not found this to be valid but this is a potent time to:
Reflect on your current financial situation.
Contemplate a change of image
Reflect on how you can beautify your home or personal environment.
Step back from your relationships and engage in a process of review. This is a time when you can gain greater clarity here.
Reflect on self-worth and how you are honouring this in your relationships with both yourself and others.
…And most importantly: to reflect on your values, especially regards the affairs of the house where Venus is retrograding. Reflect on whether you are walking your talk here or whether adjustments need to be made.
Sit with any shifts while Venus is still retrograde. The time after Venus moves direct and re-covers the degrees of the zodiac that She has moved backwards over – September 4 to October 7 – is the time to start to move forward and honor the insights of the retrograde phase.
2023 Astrology Classes: Beginners through to Advanced Classes
Late enrolments welcome …you can catch up with the Video Files
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enrol for video content only [correspondence] at a reduced rate.
First Year/ Beginners’ 7pm Thursday, beginning March 2 …focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate 7pm Tuesday beginning February 14 …focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group Second Saturday afternoon each month beginning February 11. The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Consultations are now on Zoom and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential. Also available as an… In-depth Consultation Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year AheadExplores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges. Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.