The fixed signs are being highlighted this month with a lunar eclipse in Scorpio and the new cycle of Mercy falling in Taurus. Points and houses on this axis are under the spotlight and may be areas of current pre-occupation.
The Full Moon /Lunar Eclipse on May 2 in Scorpio is especially powerful as it also marks the celebration of Wesak, suggesting that this an opportune time to work with our fears and reflect on what is holding us back from living our truth.
Jupiter makes its annual change of sign on May 17, joining Uranus in Taurus …information on this next month.
May begins with Mercury retrograde and Pluto stationing retrograde on May 2. Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time.
May 2: Pluto stations retrograde at 0 Aquarius 21
May 2: Mercury conjunct the Sun at 11 Taurus marks the beginning of a new Mercury cycle
May 6: Full Moon /Lunar Eclipse / Wesak at 14 Scorpio 58
May 8: Venus to Cancer
May 15:Mercury direct
May 17: Jupiter to Taurus
May 18: Jupiter square Pluto
May 20: New Moon in Taurus
May 21: Mars to Leo
May 21: Sun to Gemini
Lunar Eclipse / Full Moon in Scorpio on May 6 This month’s full moon is an appulse lunar eclipse, also known as a penumbral eclipse. The Moon will move into the Earth’s penumbra or partial shadow so we will see a dimmer-switch effect when we look at the Moon. The Moon, rather than disappearing, becomes grey in colour.
The eclipse falls at close to 15 degrees of Scorpio and picks up threads from last May’s eclipses as it falls:
opposite the April 2022 Solar Eclipse which fell at 10 Taurus
in the same sign as the May 2022 lunar eclipse which fell at 25 degrees of Taurus.
You may find similar themes appearing in your life and in the houses where the Taurus Scorpio polarity falls in your personal chart. In your personal horoscope the eclipse will activate:
The house where 15 Scorpio is found [and the opposite house which is where the Sun is transiting]
Any planets or points between 10 and 20 degrees of fixed signs, especially 12 to 18 degrees of fixed signs.
All the areas may require your attention. Lunar eclipses tend to be more emotional and internal than solar eclipses. They stir up whatever is simmering in our subconscious and are potent times for insight and illumination …once we get past the uncomfortable feelings. Sometimes this may lead to the desire to act, but more often they are about working with polarized feeling states and seeing how we can find a more centred space where we can be this and that, not just this or that.
With Uranus, the Great Awakener and Principle of Change opposite the eclipse, we are being challenged to be more authentic and perhaps open toto change in how we deal with and think about:
all things relating to our experience of Taurus and Scorpio and the areas of the chart where they fall.
Any planets falling around mid-degrees of fixed signs as they are being activated by both the eclipse and the transit of Uranus.
Uranus challenges us to be open to exploring new ways of experiencing these parts of Self …it may suggest a shift in values, personally and collectively that can lead us to feel more authentic. The danger here is impulsive reactions that may sabotage our best interest. Beware the urge to act out or run away [shadow Uranus] and perhaps give yourself some time out to reflect on any impulsive urges to see if they are a true reflection of your need to individuate and live your truth.
The eclipse is also square to Black Moon Lilith, adding to the urge to run away or act out ...choosing consciously to take some time out maybe a constructive way to honour these potent energies.
Lilith chose a life of banishment and exile rather than compromise Her truth and submit to patriarchal authority but paid a terrible price for it, becoming demonised and pushed into the shadow. Both Uranus and Lilith invite us to break taboos and step out of limited patriarchal mind sets but beware the urge to shock others out of their complacency if it may only lead to a more polarized situation that leaves us feeling banished and alienated.
Can you be an agent of change and embrace the full power of Black Moon Lilith, an expression of the Divine Feminine, and keep your heart open to those with whom you do not agree? Perhaps the influence of Mercury retrograde opposing the eclipse point can assist us to see things from a different perspective.
Eclipses occur close to the nodal axis and this eclipse is occurring on the south node, in Scorpio. South nodal eclipses emphasize the need to work with our shadow. Last year I wrote this and it is valid once more… ‘The transiting South Node [and eclipse] in Scorpio suggest we can potentially get stuck in the Scorpio shadow if we are not alert. It may activate our fears and old hurts and grievances, and perhaps the need to control or the need for power and sometimes for revenge. The SN here is challenging us to focus on our collective shadow and embrace forgiveness rather than vengeance.
The positive potential of the South Node in Scorpio is to uncover hidden motives and use our knowledge to heal and empower. The gifts that call for release involve finding ways to empower ourselves and others, and to let go the need for control and revenge.’
Each year the Scorpio full moon marks the annual Festival of the Buddha, known as WESAK, which this year [and last year] also coincides with a lunar eclipse, further intensifying its energy. Wesak honours both the physical birth of the Buddha and his spiritual birth or enlightenment. Wesak invites us to refocus on our spiritual lives and look at what needs to be released or let go, so we can become more compassionate and awakened. The days either side of Wesak /the lunar eclipse are potent times for inner work, reflection, meditation and letting go.
Mercury Retrograde Update: April 21 to May 15 Mercury stationed retrograde on April 21 at close to 16 degrees of Taurus and remains retrograde until May 15 when it turns direct at close to 6 degrees of Taurus. Please be aware that the retrograde phenomenon is activated from the time that Mercury enters the loop to the time that it leaves: around April 7 to June 1. The most chaotic times are when Mercury stations – the few days around April 21 and May 15 when Mercury adjusts to the change of direction.
The new Mercury Cycle begins around May 2 at the Inferior Conjunction which falls close to 11 Taurus when Mercury conjuncts the Sun, intensifying the need to re-view and re-evaluate all things connected with this archetype, especially our financial and material security and our values around money, possessions and our connection to Mother Earth.
It also picks up some of the themes in the lunar eclipse chart as it is in a very tight square [1 degree orb] with Black Moon Lilith and a wider conjunction [7 degree orb] with Uranus.
We may also be challenged to review:
the affairs of the house where the retrograde action takes place in your horoscope [5 to 16 degrees of Taurus].
Any planets any points that fall between these degrees of fixed signs, especially those close to the Inferior Conjunction degree of 11 Taurus.
The whole retrograde phase is a potent time for reflection and review … a time when we can become aware of habitual beliefs and thought patterns and make the adjustments necessary to align our thinking with the person we are now. This is a great time to meditate, reflect, research, seek answers, sort out your paperwork, return calls and generally attend to all the things you have been too busy to do earlier.
Remember, Mercury retrograde always provides us with the opportunity to free our thinking from habitual ruts and develop a more conscious set of mental attitudes and beliefs.
2023 Astrology Classes Beginners through to Advanced Classes Late enrolments welcome …you can catch up with the Video Files
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer. All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enroll for video content only [correspondence] at a reduced rate.
First Year/ Beginners’ 7pm Thursday, beginning March 2 …focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope and covers the elements, signs, planets, houses, aspects etc.
Second Year / Intermediate 7pm Tuesday beginning February 14 …focuses on additional points and themes in the horoscope [ lunation cycle, asteroids, Eris, Medical Astrology, Career] and Dynamic [predictive] Techniques: Transits & Progressions.
Advanced Group Second Saturday afternoon each month beginning February 11. The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skills.
Consultations are now on Zoom and are still recorded so the sound file can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential. Also available as an In-depth Consultation Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets. Chart Up-date: The Year AheadExplores the year ahead from a psychological perspective. Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges. Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.