March is a quieter month – with no major shifts in energy – but we are still under the shadow of the challenging square from Saturn to Uranus which will be active all this year.
March begins with NO planets retrograde. Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
March 4: Mars to Gemini
March 13: New Moon in Pisces
March 16: Mercury to Pisces
March 20: Sun to Aries: Autumn Equinox
March 22: Venus to Aries
March 29: Full Moon in Libra
Mercury is still in the Retrograde ‘Loop’. Mercury stationed retrograde on January 31 at close to 26 degrees of Aquarius and remained retrograde until February 21 when it turned direct at close to 11 degrees of Aquarius but remains in the ‘retrograde loop’ until March 13. The time from February 21 to March 13 is a good time to make adjustments due to insights that may have come to you during the retrograde phase. You may also find that areas of life that slowed down are once again moving forwards, especially regards the house where this took place and where 11 to 26 degrees of Aquarius is found in your horoscope.
Mercury’s retrograde in Aquarius [along with Saturn’s transit of this sign] is challenging us around all things associated with Aquarius. On a personal level this is about friendship and community as well as issues around freedom and being true to the Self. Aquarius is also associated with the New Technology, so it is not surprising that the power of the digital giants like Google and Facebook has come under scrutiny with transiting Saturn and Mercury retrograde both in this sign.
Some Reflections on Saturn square to Uranus Last month the first of three exact squares between these two traditional foes formed on the 18th of February but we will be experiencing the effects of this transit all this year, and beyond. This month the aspect is still very close as the planets have only moved 2 degrees apart by the end of March, keeping the pressure on as these two conflicting forces both demand our attention.
Remember, this transit highlights tension between Saturn and Uranus, the Gods representing authority, responsibility, stability and the status quo [Saturn] versus the need for change, freedom and authenticity {Uranus]. Both planets have a hefty shadow that can [and is] being activated due to the stressful nature of the square aspect.
It is important to note that this transit is the waning square in the Saturn Uranus Cycle, and as such it suggests what Dane Rudhyar called a Crisis in Consciousness. The waning [closing] square in any cycle challenges us to reflect on the past, re-evaluate what has [and has not] been achieved and consider if this is congruent with our core values. This often leads to a major re-orientation which can result in a shift in awareness and a change of direction.
I said last month that we can spin this clash anyway we want to suit our world view. Are governments being repressive or creating boundaries to keep us safe? Are the individuals demanding freedom within their rights or reckless libertarians?
What I can say, as an astrologer, is this aspect challenges us to not to fall into polarized positions [which often activate the shadow] but engage in meaningful dialogue, both internally and externally if we would like to see something positive birth from the inherent conflict. The waning square suggests a need for reflection and a possible shift in direction. As this transit has come more into focus it is becoming clear that there are several highly significant issues where this conflict is taking place:
Climate change and the impact technology is having on our planet and all life forms that inhabit Mother Earth.
Digital platforms being challenged to set boundaries and take more responsibility.
Pro versus anti vaccination debate
Pro versus anti mask wearing / benefit of lock down
Black Lives Matter / racism
LGBTQI awareness
Individuals who are experiencing this transit to significant personal points in their charts are being challenged to be open to change [Uranus] but approach this from a grounded, pragmatic and responsible perspective …and sometimes do what feels uncomfortable to set clear boundaries [Saturn]. The key question may become: what are my core values here and how can I avoid falling into my shadow? Again, how you translate this into personal and collective action depends on your world view. Note: If you would like to know more about the key mechanics of the Saturn Uranus square I suggest you refer back to my February Newsletter at
The March New Moon at 23 degrees of Pisces …takes place at 9.21pm on March 13, AEDT. The New Moon is part of a stellium that contains the Moon, Sun, Venus and Neptune, all in Pisces. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and conjuncts all three of the personal planets [Sun, Moon and Venus], emphasizing the Pisces / Neptune archetype, which is very highly charged for the few days that the Moon transits this sign.
This powerful Neptune / Pisces energy can have many positive as well as challenging effects including enhanced sensitivity on all levels – physical, emotional and energetic - which can be wonderful for our spiritual practice, inner work, intuition and creativity, but much more challenging for getting things done in the ‘real’ world. Neptune and Pisces want time to BE, FEEL and DREAM, so see if you can schedule in some down time.
Neptune and Pisces are also associated with confusion and possible delusion as they tend to see life through the proverbial ‘rose coloured glasses’. The challenges here are not to succumb to:
our personal favourite form of escapism / self-medication as a means of avoiding the truth [alcohol, food, retail therapy etc]
denial, self-deception & delusion but to balance our dreams and ideals with reality.
retreating into cynicism or a victim mentality.
At its purest expression, this Pisces New Moon can assist us to open our hearts and minds to the transpersonal and imaginal realms and to re-awaken us to the power of our dreams as well as the power of love and compassion…to see all life forms as one.
One way of honouring this energy is to take some time out to attend to our dreams and inner world, and to allow our feelings space to be felt and honoured.
March Full Moon at 8 degrees of Libra …at 5.48am on March 29, AEDT with the Sun in Aries and the Moon opposite in Libra. Each year at the Libra Full Moon we are challenged to balance our Libran need for partnership, co-operation and compromise with the Arian need for independence and autonomy ..and to reflect on how we are balancing these parts of self.
This Full Moon in Libra is opposing a stellium in Aries formed by the Sun, Venus and Chiron, highlighting wounds and insecurities we may have personally and collectively that come from following - or trying to follow - our own paths and experience autonomy and the impact that this may have on our need for connection and partnership [Moon in Libra].
The strong Chironic energy may bring up current or past feelings of abandonment and rejection that come from being true to our self – or activate the fear that this may happen now - but it does challenge us to be more authentic and try to find ways to do this that are not at the expense of our significant partnerships and emotional connections.
Chiron’s prominence is always a call to individuate and listen to our inner truth, even if our ego finds that uncomfortable. The here challenge is: how can we do this without hurting others or experiencing alienation. Chironic forms of healing may well be very powerful at this time. Homeopathy, energy/ vibrational medicine and attending to the wisdom revealed through our dreams can all be especially potent.
Celebrating the Autumn Equinox: March 20 [ Lucy is now honouring the sabbats online so contact her on 0418 382 924 if you would like to attend a ritual to honour the Equinox on Zoom.]
March 20 marks theAries Ingress, better known as the Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere [Spring Equinox for our friends in the Northern Hemisphere]. At 8.37pm [Australian Eastern DaylightTime] the Sun will move into the sign of Aries and will be exactly overhead at the equator. This marks the time when day and night are of equal length and heralds a major turning point; from now on the days will become shorter and darkness will soon prevail. [Reverse for the Northern Hemisphere]
The 2021 Autumn Equinox falls about mid-way between the New Moon in Pisces and the Full Moon in Libra and has both Neptune and Chiron in wide conjunctions with the Sun, activating both the Neptune and Chiron archetypes outlined in the information shared about the March New and Full Moons.
The Autumn Equinox marks the second and final of the two harvest festivals in the Celtic Wheel of the Year. In Ancient Greece this was the time of the Greater Mysteries that were celebrated at Eleusis, 14 miles from Athens.
Esoteric writers say this is a magical time when the magnetic field of the Earth is influenced by the Sun’s position directly overhead the equator. A doorway or portal opens to other realms due to a reduction in the Earth’s magnetic field. This is a powerful time for ritual and meditation that can offer us wisdom, inspiration and guidance. The equinox energy lasts for about 24 hours either side the exact moment.
This is the time to acknowledge with gratitude all the good things in your life that you may tend to take for granted… time to stop and reflect on the abundance that you enjoy on a daily basis. It is also time to reflect on your personal harvest and become conscious of what you have achieved and manifested during this last solar cycle. You may choose to hold a thanksgiving dinner where everyone expresses their gratitude for life’s riches, or you may prefer a more private ritual such as the one below.
A Private Equinox Ritual When you are ready sit quietly, centre yourself and invoke your Highest Inspiration, then call for the assistance of your guides as you light your harvest candle. Gently come into your heart and allow yourself to remember all the good things in your life – the people, things, works, interests, pets, family, travel – anything and everything that gives you joy. Allow yourself to feel sincere gratitude as your mind floats over the richness and abundance that you often take for granted. Form the intention to be more mindful and appreciative on a daily basis.
Next, reflect on what you have achieved and learned over the last year. Give thanks for both the achievements and lessons of the last year, and then spend some time reflecting on what has not gone the way you had wished. What can you learn from these experiences to take into the new cycle at the coming Winter Solstice? Keep your candle to light whenever you need to remember to be more thankful. Blessed be!
2021 Astrology Classes Please contact Christine for a brochure.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
During 2021 all classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss and it is possible to enrol for a video content only..
First Year/ Beginners’ 7pm on Thursday evenings in 2021 …focuses on learning how to read / delineate a horoscope
Second Year / Intermediate at 7pm Monday evenings in 2021 …focuses on dynamic [predictive ] techniques
Advanced Group Second Saturday afternoon each month. The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the opportunity to develop your delineation skill. Our first topic of study for 2021 is Synastry: the study of relationships.
Consultations are now on Zoom and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced in order to realize this potential.
Other readings available include: In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials and challenges.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.