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A briefer newsletter than usual, as like many of you, I have been feeling the heaviness of the current transits.
We have the third and final eclipse in this eclipse season on July 5 and it is activating Australia’s Sun, creating challenges for our leaders. This is especially evident in my home state, Victoria, where the virus is flaring once more and it appears the leadership may have dropped the ball somewhat with both contact tracing and the supervision of quarantine hotels. My sense is that this is symbolized in the collective transits of Eris square to the Jupiter Pluto conjunction that became exact during late June.
Some of the information about Eris is reprinted from last month as it became even more relevant as June progressed.
July begins with Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto all retrograde with Mercury stationing direct on July 12 but not clear of the retrograde loop until July 27. Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Time.
July 1: Mercury conjunct the Sun
July 2: Saturn retrograde back into Capricorn
July 5: Full Moon /Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn
July 12: Mercury direct
July 21: New Moon in Cancer
July 22: Sun to Leo
July 27: Mercury leaves the retrograde loop
July 28: Jupiter sextile Neptune
July 29: Venus leaves the retrograde loop
These are the key times for meditation and inner work this month:
July 1 when Mercury is retrograde and conjunct the Sun
July 5 at the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn
July 21 at the New Moon in Cancer
The heavy retrograde focus continues this month with Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and Neptune all retrograde at the start of the month. Venus has moved direct but remains in the retrograde loop until the end of this month. Remember, the retrograde focus is inviting us to look at things from a new, more objective and considered vantage point. It suggests a time of reflection on the past, and a need to refocus before we move forward, personally, and collectively.
The collective[global] energy still looks challenging as we deal with the implications of the second square from Eris to Pluto that took place on June 15 and to Jupiter on June 27, along with the second Jupiter conjunction with Pluto that took place on June 30. These transits highlight the virus gaining new energy and suggest the potential for another surge later in the year when the transits repeat.
Eris remains at work in the conflict over how fast to open communities after lock down [especially visible in the USA] and the motivations of various nations in wanting an inquiry into the source of COVID-19. Some nations see this from a more scientific perspective, others an opportunity to apportion blame and score points politically.
The shadow side of Eris continues to revel in the current chaos and discord while Her higher energy exposes hidden truths and challenges us to embrace the disenfranchised. Heart centred leadership can bring people together while ego driven leadership will create deeper divides. The discussion about the transformative power of communities working together feels part of the higher energy of Eris, along with transformational leadership.
The Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse on July 5 falls at close to 14 degrees of Capricorn. This is an appulse eclipse – the same as the one in June - also known as a ‘penumbral’ lunar eclipse as the Moon moves through only the Earth's penumbra/ partial shadow and is only slightly dimmed.
What happens at a lunar eclipse? The Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow over a period of a few hours. Lunar Eclipses can be seen anywhere it is dark and has no cloud cover, but as it is daytime here in Australia at the time of the eclipse, it will not be visible here.
This eclipse falls in the Cancer / Capricorn polarity and asks us to reflect on how we balance these two energies: home life and career, public and private life, nurturing and authority, bonding and setting boundaries. The eclipse will activate any planets or points within a 5 degree orb to the planets and points around 8 – 20 degrees of cardinal signs, especially Capricorn and Cancer planets.
Issues may arise challenging us around
authority, responsibility, boundaries
Insecurities, rejection, and activation of the inner [and outer] critic.
The eclipsed Moon is opposite Sun & Mercury [retrograde]; in a very wide conjunction to Jupiter; a wide square to Mars [now in Aries] & a tighter square to Chiron; and trine to Uranus. Beware the tendency to react [Mars in Aries] with aggression and see if you can limit the need for later damage control. Eclipse are always potent times for meditation, quiet self-reflection, and any form if inner work that allows the messages from our soul to be heard.
Mercury Stations direct on July 12 Mercury moved retrograde on June 18 at close to 15 degrees of Cancer and remains retrograde until July 12 when it turns direct at close to 5 degrees of Cancer. As the new cycle begins in Cancer, we are being challenged to re-evaluate all things connected with our Cancer patterns. It suggests that this is a potent time to ask ourselves what nurtures us; review emotional attachments; reflect on what home and belonging means for us and explore new ways of feeling safe, nurtured and contained.
The key time for insight is around July 1 when the new Mercury cycle begins at the Inferior Conjunction of Mercury and the Sun at close to 9 Cancer …another great time for mediation and reflection.
The Cancer theme is carried into the New Moon later in the month as it also falls in Cancer, but at later degrees.
The New Moon In Cancer on July 21 …falls at close to 28 degrees of Cancer, activating all the big players in the current tense line up in a t- square aspect pattern with Eris at the apex. The New Moon is in tight opposition to the heavy line up of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn with everything [Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto] all squaring Eris in Aries [with Mars and Black Moon Lilith both in Aries and approaching conjunctions with Eris. It suggests the potential for heightened conflict, competition and emotion-especially fear, grief and depression- with the anti-dote being a focus on more [conscious] care, compassion andcommunity support.
2020 Astrology All classes have shifted online for the time being. They are still held weekly in my Zoom Room. Please contact Christine for more information
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. These classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer. Classes can be taken on a term by term basis and sound files are provided for any classes you miss.
First Year/ Beginners’ on Monday evenings Second Year / Intermediate on Thursday evenings Advanced Group: Second Saturday afternoon each month. The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives plus the time to develop your delineation skill.
Consultations & Gift Certificates Are available via Skype or Zoom Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced in order to realize this potential. Other readings available include: In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 supplementary e-booklets. Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective. Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials and challenges.