November is another volatile month, astrologically speaking as Jupiter will conjunct Pluto [and square Eris] for the third and final time; a symbol of the virus surging in the Northern hemisphere, hopefully also for the last time.
There are two full moons along the east of Australia this month, one on the 1st and the second on the 31st with the November 1 full moon falling opposite Uranus and the New Moon on the 15th being also a Super Moon …and both Mercury and Mars station direct.
I have focused this newsletter on the major transits with only a brief mention of the 3 lunations for November as my newsletters seem to be getting longer and longer.
November begins with Mars, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all still retrograde while Pluto stations direct on October 4, and Mercury stations retrograde on the 14th. Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern Daylight Time.
November 1: Full Moon in Taurus at close to 9 Taurus
November 4: Mercury stations direct
November 13: Jupiter conjunct Pluto
November 14: Mars stations direct
November 15: New Moon / Super Moon at close to 23 Scorpio
November 18: Jupiter square Eris
November 29: Neptune stations direct
November 30: Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse at close to 9 Gemini
Jupiter conjuncts Pluto and squares Eris This month sees the third and final Jupiter conjunction with Pluto on November 13 at close to 24 Capricorn as well as the final Jupiter square to Eris on November 18 …escalating all the big themes of 2020; and next month we will experience the third [of five] Pluto squares to Eris. I talked of this in my April Newsletter and you may like to review this information as it is all still relevant:
Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion and provides the imagery of a BIG event when it aspects the heavyweights like Saturn, Pluto and Eris. Twelve years ago, when Jupiter joined Pluto in Capricorn was when the world experienced the Global Financial Crisis. Most astrologers have been wary of a repeat performance and have been warning of the need to transform and re-structure [Pluto in Capricorn] inadequate structures, institutions, and bureaucracies for the last 12 years in anticipation of the current transits. What we didn’t factor in was Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord, catalyst for the Trojan War. It was Her golden apple that created the chaos in Ancient Greece that today has taken the form of the corona virus.
These transits have always suggested the potential for the virus reach a [hopefully] final peak at this time, as well as create more strife and chaos through the many paths that we have already experienced including:
Health crises as the virus surges and claims more victims in Europe, USA, South America, Africa. Middle East and parts of Asia.
Overwhelmed health systems
Economic chaos as markets shrink due to both lock-downs and slowdowns due to fear
Law and order issues as people protest lock-downs
Political manipulation
Authoritarian responses
Increasing tension between right and left, liberty and responsibility
Australia and Covid-19 I feel that while Australia appears to being spared this new surge of the virus, it still needs to be careful of its tendency to flare up, especially over the next two months. The angles in Australia’s chart have been activated by Saturn but these transits will recede after October [Saturn square ASC/DESC axis for the last time] and January when it conjuncts our MC for the last time. Hopefully our health systems – especially in Victoria – are now up to the task of contact tracing and delivering the information that victims of the virus need to keep themselves and others safe.
Mars will move out of Australia’s 12th house in January, around the same time we are experiencing our progressed Sun trine our natal Sun, hopefully signalling that we are moving forwards into a new ‘covid-normal’ reality.
Melbourne & Covid-19 When I relocated Australia’s chart to Melbourne the current situation here made sense, at least astrologically, as Melbourne has experienced the full brunt of the collective heavy weights this year with Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter activating all our angles …and we still have a way to go. Obviously, our systems for dealing with the virus were inadequate on many levels, but hopefully the government has finally created new ones that are up to the task. They are being tested now as Saturn conjuncts the MC for the last time.
Here are the key transits for Melbourne using the relocated chart:
Eris conjunct our ASC: all 2020
Pluto square ASC / DESC: February 1, July 30, December 6
Pluto conjunct the MC throughout 2021: Dan Andrews still has his challenges and there will still be issues about rights versus responsibility action.
Saturn conjunct the MC: February 16, August 16 & November 1
Jupiter square the ASC/DESC: March 25, July 6, November 16.
Jupiter conjunct MC: April 27, June 1, December 4
2021 and Covid My sense is that with Pluto and Eris meeting in a tense square aspect twice more in 2021 – August 28 and October 9 – the virus will still be active throughout 2021, especially the latter part of the year. Eris will probably continue to create more strife [virus], but not with the same intensity as this last big surge is bringing in many nations.
She also symbolizes competition over scarce resources: this may be vaccines or drugs that can assist in the healing of the virus or economic relief to nations, communities, groups in society who have suffered due to the recession.
Unfortunately, Pluto square Eris may suggest the political splits that have opened up in many nations due to the virus will continue to fester and erupt, especially in the latter part of the year. Eris is in freedom loving Aries [let me do want I want, no restrictions] while Pluto is in dutiful, responsible and sometimes authoritarian Capricorn.
The Individual & the Covid Challenge On a personal level this has been a challenging time for many of us around the structures we have created in our life - both external and internal - and showing us what needs works.
May I also remind you of the three levels of transits that I spoke of in April…
The level of events
Here we are looking at two things: the virus COVID-19 and its trajectory as well as its economic [and political and social] ramifications.
The level of feelings
The virus and its effects are creating a lot of fear, anxiety, depression and anger; in fact we can say the virus of fear is as dangerous as the actual virus.
The level of meaning
This is the ultimate purpose in terms of the evolution of the personality or soul; it is where the growth comes from both personally & collectively. There is a lot for us to learn at this level and it will probably take a few years to process these events and our responses and distill the ultimate meaning of this virus.
Working with the virus of fear …owning our shadow. We are all finding our own ways to do this and if it is important to find ways to manage our anxiety and not let it propel us in to the shadow of toxic blame and shame. Our challenge is to keep our hearts open and try to find a space where we can sit and hear all points of view. We may judge, but do not need to become judgemental or destructive.
USA Election With Mercury stationing direct the day after the US election I think that the result might not be announced formally for a few weeks as they count [and possibly recount] postal votes. Mercury leaves the retrograde loop on November 20 so we should have clarity by then.
My ‘prediction’ for the election My consulting work as an astrologer is always from a counselling, rather than a predictive perspective but I have always had an interest in Mundane astrology as one of my majors was in politics, hence in this newsletter I venture my ‘predictions’ regards world affairs. After examining the charts for both candidates I think that Biden’s transits look more positive than Trump’s, even though Trump has a very strong natal chart. This is based on the birth times I have for both candidates which may or may not be correct.
The transits for the US shows 2020 is, and will continue to be a very rocky time, whoever wins. Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are opposing the US Mercury at 24 Cancer, Vertex and the Part of Fortune at 26 Cancer …this is opposite Pluto in the USA natal chart. Saturn and Jupiter are conjunct the US Pluto this year and Pluto will conjunct Pluto in 2022[ a Pluto return] but come within 1-degree orb in 2021. Certainly looks like more power struggles and possible splits ahead.
November Lunations …very briefly There are two full moons along the east of Australia this month, one on the 1st and the second on the 31st with the November 1 full moon falling opposite Uranus and the New Moon on the 15th being also a Super Moon.
The November 1 [October 31 in Europe and the USA] full moon in Taurus makes an exact conjunction with Uranus, an extremely high voltage image that can be stressful for sensitive nervous systems. Uranus can emphasize individualism and authenticity but the shadow can be erratic and impulsive so try to factor in some down time to slow down and soothe stressed nerves, especially if you find yourself feeling a bit manic. Uranus is called the Great Awakener and symbolizes the process of change, but the challenge is to be open to change without creating more chaos.
The New Moon on the 15th is the third and final New Moon Super Moon for 2020 and falls at close to 23 Scorpio. It has no major stressful aspects but emphasizes the Scorpio archetype.
The second Full Moon for November falls on the 30th at close to 9 Gemini and forms a t-square with Neptune, bringing this archetype into play. Neptune always challenges us to trust our intuition but beware of self-delusion …a tricky process.
Mercury Retrograde reminders Mercury stationed retrograde on October 14, the day of the Sun Mars opposition, at close to 12 degrees of Scorpio. He remains retrograde until November 4 when He turns direct at close to 26 degrees of Libra.
The whole retrograde phase is a potent time for reflection and review … a time when we can become aware of habitual beliefs and thought patterns and make the adjustments necessary to align our thinking with the person we are now.
During its retrograde cycle Mercury forms challenging aspects Uranus and Saturn 3 times:
Square Saturn in Capricorn on September 23, November 2 & November 6
Oppose Uranus in Taurus on October 8, October 20 and November 17
Mercury square to Saturn challenges is to take responsibility for our thoughts and words and warns of the danger of negative thinking while Mercury opposite Uranus challenges us to be open to change but beware of speaking prematurely or rushing into any new plan without thinking it through. The opposition with Uranus is part of the new cycle and suggests the possibility for major insights and AH HA moments, but also unexpected and disruptive events that challenge us to re-evaluate our ideas. The new Mercury cycle lasts until the next Mercury retrograde cycle in late January 2021 and will take us through the US election and the inauguration of the next president on January 20.
Mercury retrograde is considered is a potent time to meditate, reflect, journal, research, seek answers, sort out your paperwork, return calls and generally attend to all the things you have been too busy to do earlier.
Mercury retrograde always provides us with the opportunity to free our thinking from habitual ruts and develop a more conscious set of mental attitudes and beliefs. Concerns may arise early in the retrograde phase but around the time the new cycle begins on October 26 when new solutions and insight may emerge. Sit with your insights until after November 4 when Mercury goes direct. The next few weeks are the time to express your insights and put new plans into action.
2021 Astrology Classes All classes have shifted online for the time being. They are still held weekly in a Zoom Room.
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. These classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer. Classes can be taken on a term by term basis and sound files are provided for any classes you miss.
First Year/ Beginners’ …at 7pm on Thursday evenings in 2021 Second Year / Intermediate …at 7pm Monday evenings in 2021 Advanced Group Second Saturday afternoon each month. The Advanced Classes give you the opportunity to integrate what you have learned through a seminar format that allows exposure to more advanced techniques and psychological perspectives, plus the time to develop your delineation skill.
Consultations …are now available via Zoom and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email. Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced in order to realize this potential. Other readings available include: In-depth Consultation: Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 supplementary e-booklets. Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead: Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective. Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials and challenges. Relationship Analysis: Helps explain the dynamic between two people to facilitate their understanding of each other and their relationship. Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.