October begins with Jupiter Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto retrograde but Pluto stations direct on October 11.. Note: All the dates below are for Australian Eastern daylight Time. October 5: Mercury to Libra October 9: Venus to Virgo October 11: Pluto direct October 12: Mars to Scorpio October 15: New Moon Solar Eclipse at 21 Libra October 22: Mercury to Scorpio October 24: Sun to Scorpio October 29: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 Taurus RETROGRADE PLANETS UPDATE
Mercury and Venus have now stationed direct – Mercury on September 16 and Venus on September 4. Mercury left the retrograde loop on September 30 but Venus will not so until around October 7. This suggests that while we may feel freer to move forward with new plans after an intense time of re-evaluation, but there is still more inner processing in some area as all the social and transpersonal planets are still retrograde.
All the planets from Jupiter out – Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - are retrograde at the beginning of the month but Pluto stations direct on October 11. All these planets move retrograde once a year for anywhere from 3 ½ to 5 ½ months, but it is not that usual to have them all retrograde at the same time. Retrograde periods can be frustrating as they challenge us to focus inwards, re-evaluate and reflect. If we engage in this process, they can lead to new growth that results from a shift in perspective.
New Moon in Libra: Solar Eclipse on October 15 at 21 Libra
The New Moon on October 15 – at 4.54am AEDT – is an Annular Solar Eclipse. This is a total eclipse where the moon does not fully cover the solar disc as it is further from the earth than at a total eclipse. A ring of fire will be visible around the Sun in the areas of the earth where the eclipse is visible: along the west coast of the USA and the top of South America.
Remember, Solar Eclipses are very potent New Moons that mark endings and beginnings: they can herald a crisis, but they also provide the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start again. They tend to be neutral energetically, but they often bring to the surface whatever has been buried, hidden and repressed, especially regards the sign and house where the eclipse falls in the personal horoscope.
Eclipses are also markers in the Nodal Cycle and can therefore herald major turning points and sudden changes of direction. They sometimes act as catalysts for major changes that serve our soul’s growth, but sometimes we feel changes are being forced on us as they can challenge our resilience and flexibility. This eclipse is conjunct the south node, suggesting that there may be something we need to let go, release or share.
This eclipse will highlight:
The house where 21 Libra is located in your personal horoscope.
Any planets or points within a 3 to 5 degree orb …between around 18 to 24 degrees of cardinal signs: especially Libra and Aries, but also Cancer and Capricorn.
If the eclipse is activating a planet or point you will probably be feeling its energy already. The month before the eclipse may bring up issues that need to be addressed, but sometimes this can occur up to 3 or 4 months before the eclipse if it is forming a tight conjunction or opposition to the Sun, Moon or Ascendant.
The next solar eclipse – in April 2024 – will fall opposite this point at close to 19 Aries, so if you have planets / points around 17 to 24 degrees of cardinal signs they will be re-activated and any issues that surface now may simmer for the next 6 months. If they are not addressed.
This eclipse forms 2 major dynamic aspect patterns: a T-square and a yod. The T-square is formed with the Sun and Moon conjunct the South Node & Mercury and opposite the North Node, Eris & Chiron …and everything is in a wide square to Pluto. The eclipse also forms the apex of a yod with a quincunx to both Uranus and Neptune. Planets and houses around 21 cardinal are being massively impacted, especially by the tight quincunx to Uranus.
This means the eclipse involves 6 planets plus Chiron and Eris and the nodal axis. The only planets not involved are Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, although Venus is semi-square to the eclipse. With all the transpersonal planets involved – Pluto quite widely – this eclipse may be pushing many of us out of our comfort zones and asking us to examine whatever is happening in our lives right now from our soul’s perspective. While Uranus is indicating the need for change, Chiron suggests the possibility for healing if we can work with any wounds that arise. Pluto and Eris both ask us to explore our shadow and make the choice not to act / react based on our fear and anger …to try to look for win-win solutions, not revenge.
The eclipse is activating the Aries Libra polarity with the focus on Libra. If you are feeling disempowered, or that life is not fair, you may need to claim some of the Aries warrior energy and perhaps become more independent. Beware the Libra shadow – people pleasing, dependency and avoiding making decisions – as well as the Aries shadow: anger, egocentric behavior that ignores the needs of others, aggression, and the need to win at all costs.
Full Moon in Taurus: Lunar Eclipse on October 29 at 5 Taurus
The Full Moon on October 29 – at 7.23am ESDT - is a partial lunar eclipse and will not be visible along the east coast of Australia as it occurs during the daytime. The eclipse fall at 5 degrees of Taurus so will impact the house where this is found in your horoscope and any planets in the fixed signs that fall within a three to five degree orb of aspect: essentially 2 to 8 degrees orb of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius for a significant event but perhaps but perhaps 0 to 10 degrees for a psychological shift.
The eclipse forms a T-square with Pluto and is in a wide conjunction to Jupiter as well as a wide opposition to Mercury and Mars. Jupiter’s conjunction with the Moon may heighten whatever we are feeling but it is a lovely image to observe over the days around the eclipse. Beware Jupiter’s tendency for excess but set aside some time for some hedonistic pleasures …whatever brings you joy. The square to Pluto is a theme that has been active in most of the eclipses this year and offers the potential for transformation if we can hold our ground, stay in our heart and find the courage to face our fears and shadows, and align with our soul.
This eclipse is putting the spotlight on the archetype of Taurus, highlighting our values, security issues and our relationship with the physical, material, and financial realms. This is the final eclipse in the Scorpio Taurus polarity which began with a solar eclipse in Scorpio during November 2021. This has been a powerful time to reflect on our values and what constitutes our security, and it may be that there are insights that relate back to events over the last few years. Pluto offers the possibility for transformation if we can face our fears, own our shadow and stand in the truth of our higher self.
Lunar eclipses tend to be more emotional and internal than solar eclipses. They stir up whatever is simmering in our subconscious and are potent times for insight and illumination …once we get past the uncomfortable feelings.
Astrology Classes Beginners through to Advanced Classes Late enrollments welcome …you can catch up with the Video Files
Christine offers an in-depth psychological and mythological approach to astrology. Her classes are suitable for those individuals who are wishing to learn more about themselves as well as those interested in becoming a professional astrologer.
All classes are on Zoom. Video files are provided for any classes you miss, and it is possible to enroll for video content only [correspondence] at a reduced rate.
Please email for a brochure. [email protected] Or visit www.christinerothwell.com For more information Consultations are now on Zoom and are still recorded so the sound file link can be sent to you via email.
Gift Certificates are available for most consultations.
AN INITIAL CONSULTATION explores the soul’s journey as revealed through the personal symbol of the birth chart. The focus is on the potential inherent in the birth chart and the challenges that need to be embraced to realize this potential.
Also available as an… In-depth Consultation Two hours to explore both the soul’s journey [see above] and the year ahead. Includes 2 or 4 supplementary e-booklets.
Chart Up-date: The Year Ahead Explores the year ahead from a psychological perspective.
Understanding Your Child: A wonderful gift for new parents and explores a child’s unique needs, motivations, potentials, and challenges.
Relocation: Explains how a different location may impact on your psyche. This can be helpful if you are thinking of re-locating and can be included with any of the above consultations.